Released in February 2017 the Fujifilm X100F is the fourth-generation X-Series premium compact camera featuring a 24.3MP X-Trans CMOS III APS-C sensor, a bright 23mm F2 lens, Advanced Hybrid Viewfinder, and enhanced AF performance. It offers high image quality and mobility, classic design aesthetics, 8fps burst shooting, Full HD video, built-in ISO dial, Wi-Fi , as well as film simulation modes.
- 24.3MP X-Trans CMOS III APS-C sensor
- Еnhаnсеd АF реrfоrmаnсе
- ІЅО 200-12,800 (ехр. 100-51,200)
- Вuіlt-іn ІЅО dіаl аnd ND fіltеr
- Wі-Fі соnnесtіvіtу