PocketWizard Mini Flex and AC3 Kit - Nikon
Product Code: 10001765

PocketWizard Mini Flex and AC3 Kit - Nikon

This product is no longer available or has been replaced by a newer model.
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PocketWizard Mini Flex and AC3 Kit - NikonNow you can buy the PocketWizard MiniTT1 Transmitter, two FlexTT5 Transceivers and an AC3 Controller for just £474.99. Save £32, Total Separate Selling Price £506.99 Designed for use with the Nikon iTTL flash system the MiniTT1 Transmitter locks onto the camera’s hot shoe, supporting an on-camera flash with its own hotshoe, whilst working with remote PocketWizard units such as the FlexTT5 which can be used to operate remote dedicated flashguns. The new PocketWizard ControlTL System interprets the complex iTTL data being sent through the camera’s hot shoe and digitally transmits it in a reliable radio signal. Change the flash compensation dial on the camera, and those commands pass seamlessly through the system to your remote flash. Adjust your shutter speed, aperture or ISO and the system corrects for those changes. Radio communication allows you to operate wirelessly in almost all shooting situations without the limitations of infrared signals. Back to top

Product Specification

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Your flexible credit options available

Interest Bearing

with a choice of repayment plans over 12, 24 or 36 months 13.9% APR (representative)

Buy now pay later

36 month loan with a six month deferral period, 18.9% APR (representative)

Interest Bearing Finance

This option comprises term loan with a choice of repayment plans over:

  • 12 months
  • 24 months
  • 36 months

The balance of the finance agreement is payable directly to Novuna Consumer Finance in equal monthly instalments by monthly direct debit. The direct debit payments will commence at the end of the first month following receipt of your goods. The interest rate charged is 13.9% APR (representative). Late payment and early repayment penalties apply; full details of these will be provided in the loan agreement pack.

For customers based in the Channel Island, please call us to apply for finance

  12 Months 24 Months  36 Months 
Cash price  £474.99  £474.99  £474.99
Deposit £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Loan Amount £474.99 £474.99 £474.99
Monthly Instalment 11 x £42.44 23 x £22.60 35 x £16.02
Final Instalment £42.44 £22.60 £16.02
Total Amount Repayable £509.28 £542.40 £576.72
Representative 13.9% APR 13.9% APR 13.9% APR

Buy now pay later

The Buy Now Pay Later option comprises a 36 month loan following a six month deferral period.

During the six-month deferral period, it is possible to pay off the loan, either by way of a lump sum or in smaller amounts. If the loan is partially repaid within six months, the remaining interest will be adjusted to reflect the new balance. If the loan is fully repaid within the six-month deferral period, then no interest is payable, however, a £29 early settlement fee is payable in respect of repayments within these six months.

Following the six-month deferral period, Novuna Personal Finance will initiate a monthly direct debit payment for the remaining duration of the loan. Interest will be charged at a rate of 18.9% APR (representative) on outstanding balances (backdated to the first date of the loan). Novuna Personal Finance will send a reminder letter approximately one month before the six-month deferral period is due to elapse.

For customers based in the Channel Island, please call us to apply for finance

  Balance settled in full within the six month deferral period Balance NOT settled in full within the six month deferral period
Cash price £300 £300
Deposit £0 £0
Loan Amount £300 £300
Settlement fee £29 £0
Settlement payment £329 -
Monthly Instalment - 36 x £11.57
Total Amount Repayable £329 £416.52
Representative 18.9% APR 18.9% APR

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